Rewards in puzzle and adventure games
Using the two previous games we will look at rewards in games. In the adventure game the player is rewarded for playing and solving...
Balance in puzzle and adventure games
The two games that where looked at in the last to posts are what you would call balanced. But why and what defines these genres balance?...

Important of level design for adventure games
Now at first thoughts you might think that level design is not important for adventure games, but you would be wrong. Items that the...

The connection between level design and puzzles
Puzzles have always been toughly designed games where the rules and design consistent. the same can be said to puzzle games, the design...

Looking at a small part of the witcher
We are going to look at the level design for this part of the witcher 2. First is the shapes used in this shot. The shape that is most...

Level design for SOMA
We are going to look at one of the first parts of soma (not including the prologue) and looking at its level design. First, we are going...

The impact of shapes in the real world
Us humans correspond shapes with different emotions, the shapes of the world can help us and make us feel different emotions. This is...

Signposting in games
What is signposting in games? signposting is a thing that designers do to help the player know where to go and what to do, to prevent the...

Research for Overwatch medkits
What type of mechanic is it? Economy mechanic What does it do? Small medkits restore 75hp – 10s respawn Large medkits restore 250hp – 15s...

Boss Monster: Treasure mechanic
Object of the game: build a dungeon out of room cards to attract and destroy heroes. earn ten souls and you win, but get five wounds and...